Amateur Radio Station WS6X


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LOGic 9
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WS6X Photo Gallery

Thanks for stopping by. This Photo Gallery is divided into three sub-galleries. When you make your selection you will be able to "click" to come back here, or choose the WS6X home page.

If you would like to browse my online Flickr Gallery and enjoy many beautiful nature shots, please click on "Nature Photography" on the navigation pane to the left, or on "Links" to the right. I have included photos of the CA coast, the Sierras, Yosemite National Park, wildlife, etc. I frequently add photos, so come back again soon!


Shack Photos  —  This gallery is temporarily a bunch of OLD photos. Updates are coming soon!

Current "Antenna Farm"  —  This gallery will be coming shortly.

"Antenna Farm" 2001-2008  —  Installation: Cushcraft 40-2CD at 108 feet, a M2 KT-36XA at 98 feet, a Sommer XP-808 at 55 feet, and phased sloping delta loops for 80M and half-slopers for 160M.
This is arguably the best over-all antenna system ever installed at WS6X.

"Antenna Farm" 2008-2014  —  Installation: Sommer XP-808 at 100 feet, SteppIR 4-el at 90 feet on a ring rotator, half slopers for 80M and 160M. These antennas were responsible for the potent signal radiating from Fresno! This was the last antenna system in California.